May 3rd, 2013 - "Searching for Answers"

I want to dedicate this track to a family friend and an amazing artist, Joe Orr, who is dealing with an immeasurable and incomprehensible loss right now.  My prayers are with you, my friend.

Day 3. DONE! I had some technical difficulties today...
This whole journey is to make me more comfortable with my recording equipment. There's A LOT I do not know. My goal is to be at a confident place with my gear by the end of these 31 days. I am learning little golden kernels of knowledge each day thus far and besides writing here, I'm also keeping a technical recording journal so I can remember the good and bad technical choices I've made.

Today, I could NOT figure out why there was "interference" or "white noise" while I was recording. UGH!!! It took me 3 hours to figure out I had one switch in the wrong place on my recording interface. Ooopsy-daisy! So, another LONG day for CBJ but hopefully these days will get shorter with frustration and the time I spend recording will be more and more artisticly filled.

So to end Day 3 I have to make sure the track meets my
self-imposed rules...
1. Yes. 2 min. 30 sec. long
2. Yes. 2 guitars.
3. Posted on 5/3/13

Yay! 3 days seems like a big mile-stone for me right now. This has been EXHAUSTING!!! Honestly, I'm a little concerned if I'm going to be able to do this for 31 days if I'm already this tired...

I'm going to keep on rocking though. One day at a time, right!

Thank you for your continued support and I'll be back with another one tomorrow!


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