May 1st, 2013 - "May Beginnings"

May 1, 2013:
Whew! Well, I did it! I started!!! The first day is a very important day and I did it! I'm patting myself on the back in case you can't tell....

You might be surprised by the first piece. It's not flamenco. Actually, it's not even acoustic guitar!!!!

Why, you ask?

Because the landscapers were here this morning and if I tried to record acoustic instruments you would have heard nothing but lawnmowers, weed-wackers and leaf-blowers!!!

My first intuition for a title for this song was, "May Beginnings" so that's what I went with although now I'm thinking I should have titled it: LAWNMOWERS, WEED-WACKERS AND LEAF-BLOWERS....hmmmm

Did it pass my self-imposed rules?
1. Yes. 2min. 42 sec long.
2. Yes. This has a rhythm guitar track and a solo guitar track with an extra solo guitar track to create a bridge-like section.
3. Yes. Posted on May 1st, 2013.

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